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Working Papers

MwAPATA was established with a grant from the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World via Michigan State University, and continues with the support of the Foundation, the United States Agency for International Development and several other partners.

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Agricultural Diversification Strategies and Rural Household Food Security and Income in Malawi

 February 25, 2025

The study identifies the agricultural diversification strategies adopted by farming households in Malawi; assesses how household welfare varies with the identified diversification strategies; and identifies factors associated with household participation in the various agricultural diversification strategies.


Agricultural Diversification and Commercialization of Smallholder Farming in Malawi: Extent, Drivers, Impacts and Policy Options

 February 25, 2025

The study present findings from an in-depth study on diversification and commercialization of smallholder agriculture in Malawi, focusing on various aspects such as, levels, drivers, barriers, and impacts. The findings of this study are significant for policymakers and other stakeholders involved in the agricultural sector and can help shape policies that promote sustainable agriculture and rural development in Malawi.


A Comparative Assessment of Plantation Fees, Prices and Options Analysis to Improve Revenue Generation in Malawi

 September 16, 2024

The study aims to compare Malawi's forest plantation fees and prices with those in Sub-Saharan Africa to establish a competitive plantation fee structure for Malawi's forestry sector that supports sustainable management of plantation forests and enhances revenue generation for the Government of Malawi.

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Policy Implications of Escalating Tropical Cyclone Threats to Malawi Amidst Rising Indian Ocean Temperatures

 September 16, 2024

Malawi faces increasing threats from extreme tropical weather. This study reveals a trend of stronger storms impacting Malawi, emphasizing the urgent need for disaster preparedness and resilience-building. Policies and investments that can mitigate future impacts and promote sustainable development are highlighted.

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What Promotes Gender Equity in Land Rental Markets? Evidence from Malawi

 September 16, 2024

Land rental markets play an important role in agricultural and structural transformation. Previous studies have shown that a gender gap exists in land rental market participation between women and men, but we show that the gap has reduced.


Prospects and Barriers to Youth Engagement in Agriculture and Food Systems in Malawi

 July 31, 2024

The agriculture and food systems sector in Malawi has the potential to create employment and income opportunities for underemployed and unemployed youths. The paper examines the barriers and opportunities for youth within the country's agricultural sector. It also offers policy options and interventions to support and enhance youth engagement in agriculture and food systems.


Drivers of Agricultural Growth in Malawi

 July 31, 2024

This study identifies the drivers and constraints of agricultural growth in Malawi. The results show that the key drivers of Malawi’s recent growth in agricultural production include input intensification, improvements in irrigation, and land expansion. The study highlights the urgent need to address the challenges constraining agricultural production and productivity in Malawi. 


Traders’ and smallholder farmers’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices towards groundnut aflatoxin contamination in Central Malawi

 May 07, 2024

This research examines the relationship between knowledge of aflatoxin, adoption of aflatoxin-reduction practices, and perceptions regarding the safety of consuming aflatoxin-contaminated groundnuts among small-scale groundnut farmers and traders. 

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Welfare impacts of seasonal maize price fluctuations in Malawi 

 February 19, 2024

Maize prices in Malawi fluctuate throughout the year, impacting both sellers and buyers. Using maize market price data and integrated household survey, we assess welfare impacts of seasonal maize price fluctuations.  The paper discusses policy measures for price stabilization to mitigate fluctuations.

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Social safety net programmes, repeated weather shocks, and household resilience to food insecurity in Malawi

November 30, 2023

Social safety net programmes are implemented to assist households cope with adverse effects of economic shocks. This paper discusses the impacts of economic shocks and social safety net programmes on food security status and household resilience in Malawi.

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The Economic Cost-benefit Analysis of Black Soldier Fly as an Alternative Animal and Fish Feed Ingredient in Malawi

March 23, 2023

Black Soldier Fly (BSF) is a promising insect species for a sustainable and innovative alternative protein source in animal and fish feed. We investigate the financial feasibility of BSF farming at various scales of production using Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) with data collected from a small-scale pilot BSF farm.

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The Potential for Mega-Farms to Transform Malawian Agriculture

August 30, 2022

The government has committed to transforming Malawian agriculture through mega-farms. Other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa offer lessons on the performance of large farms and their impacts on surrounding smaller farms. Key players in Malawi also offer insights on the role of mega-farms.

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Sustainable Intensification in Jeopardy: Transdisciplinary Evidence from Malawi

November 11, 2021

This study uncovers disturbing trends that indicate intensification and sustainability are at risk in Malawi. Two time-series of satellite data and combined results of several farmer survey-based analyses that span decades suggest declining land and fertilizer productivity, emphasizing the need for a new strategy.


Does Subsidizing Legume Seeds Improve Farm Productivity and Nutrition in Malawi?

September 8, 2021

We address this knowledge gap by testing whether subsidizing legume seeds improves farm productivity, dietary quality, and child nutrition. Results suggest legume subsidies can increase the overall gross value of production, dietary diversity, weight-for-age Z scores, and calorie, vitamin A  and zinc consumption.


September 7, 2021

Malawian governments have spent substantial resources on agricultural input subsidies over the years.  We highlight successes, factors hindering impact, implicit costs and  options for improving subsidies.


A Rapid Assessment of the Implementation of the 2020/21 Affordable Inputs Program in Malawi

June 1, 2021

The 2020/21 AIP reached 4 times as many farmers as did FISP in 2019/20 and used innovative delivery mechanisms. However, numerous major challenges led to delays in availability and other problems. Using data collected in December 2020, we take a critical look at the AIP and offer a path to improvements.


Assessing Alternatives to Tobacco Farming for Smallholders in Malawi

May 31, 2021

We assess the profitability of Malawian tobacco and potential alternatives. Over the past 10 years the share of smallholders growing tobacco has declined from 16% to just 5%. Improving value chains for alternative crops is likely more cost-effective than moving the few remaining smallholders out of tobacco.


Trends in Tobacco Production and Prices in Malawi

April 14, 2021

Diversification away from tobacco production is regarded as a priority for Malawi. This paper characterizes broad trends in production since 2000 in order to understand whether Malawi is shifting away from tobacco and how production and the prices received by farmers have changed over time.

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Food Imports in Malawi: Trends, Drivers, and Policy Implications

January 5, 2021

Malawi has huge agricultural potential but, Malawi's food demand outpaces domestic production, making the nation a heavy net food importer. Drawing on several data sources, this paper provides an in-depth analysis of food import trends and their drivers, and explores policy options for shifting the trade balance.


The Past, Present, and Future of Land Use in Malawi: A Background Review

November 24, 2020

The history of land use, ownership, and development in Malawi is traced from the colonial era to the present. Juxtaposing challenges faced by estate holders and smallholders highlights potential for mutually beneficial partnerships. Examples of land use schemes are probed to explore options for Malawi.


Manufacturing and Industrialization in Malawi: Trends, Opportunities, and Strategies

October 8, 2020

We review experiences from other fast-growing economies in sub-Saharan Africa and newly industrialized economies in East Asia to draw out lessons for Malawi’s industrialization strategy to promote employment, wealth creation, and reduced economic vulnerabilities associated with primary agricultural products.


An Early Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 in Malawi

September 16, 2020

The COVID-19 crisis has impacted every facet of Malawi's agricultural value chains. We present and evaluate new data from across the spectrum to begin to allow policy makers to make decisions with information on how the country has been affected and discuss the importance of continued monitoring.


Unlocking Implementation Challenges: Lessons from the Agricultural Sector

August 20, 2020

This study investigates the causes of challenges in programs, policies and strategies implementation in agricultural sector and draw lessons that can inform the ministries responsible for agriculture and rural development address these challenges.


The Future of Smallholder Farming in Malawi

August 4, 2020

The study characterizes smallholder farming in Malawi, projects the consequences of a ‘business as usual’ strategy and identifies promising government strategies to support smallholder livelihoods and contribute to wealth creation.


Agricultural Transformation in Malawi: A Call to Action

July 7, 2020

This paper seeks to 1) highlight the urgent need for change in Malawi’s economic management and performance, 2) highlight policy interventions that Malawi could adopt to achieve significant economic development, and 3) address the question of how the necessary transformation may be brought about.

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Farm Level Analysis of the Impact of COVID19 on Agrifood Systems in Malawi 

July 7, 2020

Nearly 300 farmers were interviewed to assess the impact of COVID-19 and the Government efforts to combat the disease on agricultural production and marketing during the 2019-2020 agricultural season. Farmers were also asked how they expect the effects will last into the 2020-2021 season.

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