Dr. Louise Fox is an experienced development economist who specializes in strategies for employment creation, opportunity expansion, economic empowerment, and poverty reduction. She has advised governments in the developed and developing world, international organizations, and philanthropic and non-profit organizations on problem diagnosis, strategies for results, and outcome measurement. She held full-time positions at USAID (as Chief Economist) and at the World Bank. She is currently affiliated with the African Growth Initiative at the Brookings Institution and the Blum Center for Developing Economies, University of California, Berkeley. She was previously affiliated with the Overseas Development Institute, where she led a major research project. Louise has published in the areas of inclusive growth, structural transformation, youth employment, the political economy of poverty reduction, gender and women’s economic empowerment, employment,
labor markets, and labor regulation, pension reform, reform of child welfare systems, social protection, effective public expenditures in the social sectors, and female-headed households and child welfare. Her most recent book was Youth Employment in Sub-Saharan Africa, published by the World Bank in 2014.

Tabitha C. Nindi, Ph.D. , M.Sc.
Guest speaker - MwAPATA Capacity Building Series
Tabitha C. Nindi is a Research Fellow (Agribusiness management and rural development) at the Centre for Innovation and Industrial Research (CIIR) under the Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST). She has extensive experience in econometric methods using observational data, running large RCTs, implementing experimental auctions, and developing math programming models. Tabitha is passionate about Agriculture and rural development and her current research interests include poverty and rural development, agricultural technology and innovations, agricultural marketing, food security and food safety. Tabitha holds a Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from Purdue University, an M.Sc. in Agricultural Economics from Mississippi State University and a B.Sc. from the University of Malawi, Bunda College.